Digestive System

The digestion happens in oru digestive system. The digestive system organs formed a straight line from our mouth to the anus. This is called the alimentary canal. There are two main types of digestion, mechanical and chemical digestion.

  • Mechanical digestion

The mechanical digestion happens in our mouth with the help of our teeth. Like its name, mechanical digestion doesn’t use any digestive enzyme. It breaks down the food only to increase its surface area.

  • Chemcial digestion

The chemical digestion is a type of digestion that uses enzymes and digestive juices. Mostly happens in the small intestine and the stomach.

Digestive system organ and function

  1. Mouth

Both mechanical digestion and chemical digestion happen in our mouth. The mechanical digestion happens with the help of our teeth to increase the surface area of the food and to break the foods into smaller pieces. In our mouth, there is saliva that produced by the salavary glands that breaks the starch and complex sugar into simple sugar.

  1. Esophagus

The esophagus connects the mouth to the stomach. It’s a long tube. The movement that the esophagus do to bring the food down is called the peristaltis movement where the muscles relaxing and contracting.

  1. Stomach

The stomach breaks down the proteins and kills the bacteria with the help of hydrochloric acid. It turned the food into chyme so it can go to the small intestine easily.

  1. Liver

The liver produces bile and control the cholestrol in our body. It also neutralizes toxic and posions that came with the food we ate.

  1. Gall bladder

The gall bladder stores enzymes from the pancreas and the liver before sending it to the small intestine.

  1. Pancreas

The pancreas is the main source of enzymes. It also produces bicarbonate solution to neutralize the hydrochloric acid that came from the chyme so it doesn’t harm the small intestine.

  1. Small intestine

The small intestine is where the main digestion happens. It absorbs the nutrients through the villi, a small thingy in the small intestine to increase the surface area and the speed of difusion. It also breaks down the fat into fatty acid and glycerol.

  1. Large intestine

There’s barely a digestion happen in the large intestine. It absorbs the water and mineral that the body needed. It has three parts, acceding, descending and transversal. It then sends the remaining waste to the rectum.

  1. Rectum

The rectum stores waste before excreting it out of the anus.